Jemma's Tale

Georgia on My Mind

October 26, 2012

Sweet Times With Wyatt along the Chattahoochee

I took a little trip to Ft. Benning Georgia to visit my daughter and her family-they are all thriving and very happy!  So not only did I get to spend time with Wyatt- I enjoyed the surrounding little town of Columbus Georgia-where the Chattahoochee River flows along the edge of town.  The river intrigued me with it's rich history.  For centuries, the Chattahoochee River has flowed from the mountains of North Georgia to the oyster beds of the Florida Panhandle.  Sometimes a trickle. Sometimes angrily slapping against the rocks.  Always telling a story of the history of Georgia and  of Columbus.
Amanda and Preston's home-Such a bright and colorful front doorway

Charming Fall Entry
Preston, Amanda and Wyatt Ft. Benning
The many faces of Wyatt!  Wyatt is a happy baby boy, always giggling and trying to catch your eye so he can flash his award winning smile! Such a joy for me to watch my grandson grow up in a home filled with so much love.  

And now for a little History lesson!!The relationship between Columbus and the Chattahoochee predates written history.  Spanish explorers told about the falls nearby.  The Indians nation's most extensive trading center was here.  Then, in 1828, state legislation set aside 1,200 acres for the town that became Columbus.  Steam boats soon were unloading cotton and other products at her busy pier.

Chattahoochee River Walk

Historical Chattahoochee on a Sunday morning
As we stood along this historical river, I could just imagine the romantic ballads written by passengers of days and years gone by who sailed on her lazy paddle-wheelers.
Wyatt and I on a glorious Fall day in Georgia

Of course, all good things must come to an end, my visit was marvelous-meant the world to me!  My dear girl, Amanda drove me to the airport and it was a fast flight back to Texas.  Thank you Amanda, Preston and Wyatt !!

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  1. Ah i looooove the many faces of Wyatt! thats so cute! We had the very best time with you!! We miss you so much. Thank you for coming out! Wyatt and the chatahoochie can't wait to see you again....and patch of course! Xoxoxo

  2. Such a wonderful trip! I love getting to experience it through your photos. The Patton family is beautiful. We are all so blessed to have such a devoted Grammy.


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