Liebster Award
February 23, 2013
Well, you can just imagine how delighted and honored I am that
Melinda, from The Refeathered Roost passed on her Liebster
Award to ATHOMEWITHjemma. Liebster, in German, means
endearing, valued and lovely. The award acknowledges up and
coming bloggers for outstanding accomplishments within design
that is presented in their blog.

Here are the rules for accepting the award:
1- Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2- Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, then create
11 new questions for the chosen bloggers.
3-Choose 11 new bloggers(with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
4-Go back to their page and tell them about their award.
5-No tag backs.
Here are the questions which Melinda asked about me.
1-What is your favorite room in your home?
Oh my, I have two!! But if I must choose it would be our formal
living room. We just put in new hand-scraped hard wood floors,
and repainted the ceiling and walls French Gray and the trim
pure white. This room has a large and formal mantle with a
mirror that goes to the ceiling, a lovely wall of windows brings
in abundant light that reflects off the mirror.
2-If you could live in any home that is in a television program,
movie or book, which house would you choose?
I would love to live in a Plantation Home-similar to the one in
A Walk To Remember, or Forrest Gump. I adore the porches,
with rocking chairs, the balconies on the second floor and of
course the land and space that goes with them!! Magnolia trees
3-What is the item you dream of bringing home but it is too dad-gum expensive?
My dream is to have a conservatory! I guess, this isn't an item
that I could bring home-but it still is my dream and it is way out
of my budget!
4-Are you a morning person or nightowl?
Morning!! Honestly I am happy to get out of bed and start my
day with a wonderful cup of coffee! I have tons of energy in the
morning. I am most creative in the early hours as well.
5-What is your favorite Holiday?
Christmas! I love the traditions associated with the celebration
of Christ's birth. The baking and decorating mean alot to me,
and now that we have these wonderful grandchildren I want to
create memories for them at Grammy's and Gramps!
6-Do you think I look fat in this? And if you do why in the world wouldn't you just lie to me? JUST KIDDING! One piece or two piece bathing suit? I'm not kidding.
Two piece??!! No way-tankini please! They are actually so much
more flattering than a one-piece.
7-What is the next project you are considering for your home?
I am currently sanding and hand painting several pieces of
furniture. Our big project is adding hardwood floors to our
family room and new tile in kitchen.
8-Are you an extrovert or introvert? (Sorry... I had to put in one question in here concerning personality types.)
I am a bit of a mix-I enjoy meeting new people and I really enjoy
good conversations. I look forward to time spent with my friends
and miss them when I haven't seen them for awhile. I also, enjoy
time spent at home, fussing with my flowers, working on
projects, marveling at all the wonders of our beautiful world.
9-What feeling do you hope your home evokes when visitors enter?
I hope that when anyone visits my home, they feel welcome. I
have incorporated many of my Mother and Grandmother's
vintage pieces, along with warm yellows, natural light and plants
to create harmony. I then layer my pieces in an effort to create
a sense of abundance which feels cozy to me.
10-Where is the most interesting place you have visited?
Jackson Hole Wyoming is one of the most interesting places I
have visited. I enjoy the romance of the cowboy and the Wild
West. Not to mention the Tetons are beautifully magnificent!
11-What is the greatest joy you find in blogging?
I have two greatest joys!! I love to write and I am absolutely
loving meeting all of these talented, caring, giving, kind, crafty
and interesting bloggers! A whole new world is opening up for
me and I am enjoying every moment of it!
Please visit these blogs which I enjoy and who I have passed
the Liebster Award to!!
Congratulations to these new and upcoming bloggers-I follow all
of these interesting, creative, inspirational and informative
blogs. Please give them a visit-I know they would enjoy hearing
from you!
Here are my eleven questions for you, please tell us why.
1. What is your favorite smell?
2. If you could invite anyone to lunch who would it be?
3. Live plants or silk?
4. Heels or flats?
5. What would you do with a yard of burlap?
6. What is your biggest take away from blogging?
7. What is your favorite city?
8. Favorite paint color for your kitchen?
9. Mild or spicy food?
10. What would you do with with two pieces of reclaimed wood?
11. Cool tones or warm?
Congratulations, Jemma!
ReplyDeleteAnd I loved learning a few things about you. Yes, a conservatory is on my list as well. . . wouldn't it be nice.
~ Lili@creativesavv
Dear Jemma, congratulations for the Award. Our baby is not there yet.
ReplyDeleteHave a nice weekend. Regards... Dorothea
Good for you. I am sure you deserved your award. I recall when I first got one, thought it was an Oscar.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to you! - I love reading what other people write about themselves as you really get to know the person better. Good to know more about you.
ReplyDeletePS I loved the movie A Walk To Remember
Congratulations! It is a well deserved award! I'm glad it was presented to you. Not only is it meaningful, but it is attractive and filled with happy meaning!
ReplyDeleteOh I am so very pleased that you got this award! I love your blog and how encouraging for you.
ReplyDeleteHappy Happy!
Congratulations, Jemma! And thank you! It's an honor to be on your list.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! It's so much fun to get awards!
ReplyDeleteCongrats and well deserved award Jemma! Loved learning more about you. Alot of your answers were what I would have answered. It made me smile!
Congrats on the award! I am following you back. Nice to meet you!
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ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the award. I am following you back.
How lovely! Congratulations on your award. Thanks so much for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your award! You totally deserve it!
Love your answers so much,Jemma! I was so happy to pass this along to really do deserve it!
Congratulations Jemma! I'm happy to follow along!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Momma Mia! xoxo, Becka and Molly