Jemma's Tale

Aging With Style During the Holidays

November 13, 2015
What thoughts comes to mind when you hear the words Holidays and Style.

Does your imagination create a picture of a White Christmas or Christmas Vacation?

We all have that Aunt, the crazy cousin, the relative that brings the fruitcake that no one 

eats, but she is determined to keep certain traditions alive.


That particular relative that brings the fruitcake would be me, and here is the recipe for

White Fruitcake.

I make it because my Mom did, it was a tradition of hers, and now it is a tradition of

mine, even if I am the only one eating it!

Which brings us to ~

 Aging with Style During the Holidays.

1.Keep the traditions alive that mean the most to you.

Aging with Style is not just appearance, it is living your life with traditions and a deliberate 

mindset that defines who you are and what you represent to yourself and others.

I would rather be remembered as the Lady that brought the fruitcake, than dismissed as 

the woman who had no clear cut direction of what her life meant to her.

2. Keep a sense of wonderment in your heart.

It is the Holidays, so muster up those youthful feelings of wonder over the 

smallest of details.

Practice on having an awareness of the activities around you, and step out of your comfort 

zone to embrace the child within you.   


3. Find joy in the small details.

A joyful heart spreads goodness and love, makes your heart healthier and your mind too.

Find the joy in those mundane tasks of shopping in a crowded mall, standing in line to mail 

package, chopping celery, sifting flour, wrapping presents.

4. Make the Holidays your Holiday

This is your Holiday too, beginning first with Thanksgiving and right on through Christmas.

Define what it is that makes the Holidays special for you.

Be good to you, so you can be good to others.

Is it listening to Christmas music, drinking peppermint coffee, reading A Christmas Carol,

staying up late, decorating, going to bed early and snuggling up with a good book.


5. Create Space and Time of Tranquility For Yourself

Let's face it, the Holidays are wonderful and stressful all in one breath.

It is important to create a space and time where you are able to decompress.

A spot where you can step away from all of the fuss.

Tranquility can be a walk, run, yoga, napping, reading.  

You know what you need, make time for it. 

6. Dress Yourself

Whatever your style is, make it happen, and if you make one splurge invest in a black 

dress, or black slacks. 

A simple cut dress like this one has endless possibilities.

When we spend the time to take care of our appearance, we send the message to 

ourselves and others that we matter.

A woman with self-confidence, who is put together, Ages with style-no matter her age.

7. Be Grateful

As we age, our Holidays are different than they used to be, perhaps the way we had

envisioned them to be, is not even a reality.

Acknowledge this and then accept life as it is and move forward, embracing the goodness 

that does exist.

8. Rest

We must get adequate rest to recharge our minds, bodies and souls.

Be certain to break up the necessary tasks and not wait until the last few days to cram

everything in.

You will be left feeling exhausted and we know that we must look refreshed in our photos!

The Sleep Foundation recommends that ages 18-64 get 7- 9 hours of rest and 

64 plus get 7-8. 

If you'd like more information on sleep just click on the pink link.

9. Smile

Did you know that smiling releases endorphins, lowers stress and anxiety, strengthens your 

immune system and is contagious.

A smile tames anger, provides hope and instills confidence.

A smile is indeed worth a thousand words.

10. If you can't something nice, then don't say anything at all

Tis the season to spread goodwill and cheer, if you find yourself feeling cynical,

cranky or just plain outspoken, stop.

You will be glad that you did and so will those around you.

Enjoy....a little Christmas music...

Other posts related to Aging With Style

Aging With Style Part 1

5 Tips To Stay Motivated

Aging With Style!~Health

Have a lovely weekend, my dears!


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  1. Good morning sweetest of friends! This was a great conversation, and now a wonderful blog post. You are reminding me that is is VITAL to be ourselves and that outside forces often want to squash who we are, especially at a certain age. But all the tips you offer are the arsenal that we must keep active within us to not only survive but to thrive in a dark world that desperately needs light. I was just thinking of Audrey Hepburn's style yesterday, and how gracious her ways still are today.

    Thank you for your friendship. There is hope, there is kindness out there. There is you.

    1. Good Morning Dear,
      We can give best when we nurture and love ourselves.
      It is the time of the year to embrace one another graciously and lovingly and a simple smile is a gift to all.

  2. Hello Jemma, wonderful advice and a great post. Being kind to others is a simple and easy thing to do. Thanks for sharing. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Eileen,
      Exactly, if we do only two things this season, let us speak kindly and give a genuine smile.

  3. Wonderful thoughts and ideas here, Jemma...and SOOO true on so many levels.
    I worked with a woman that brought in white fruitcake. Now I hate fruitcake but I must say I loved hers. There were no chocolate chips in it though.
    I do have a black dress that I wear for everything and dress it up, or down, as need be. It is classic and timeless.
    Hmmm...I am NOT a sleeper-I function best on 6 to 7 hours of sleep and have been that way my whole life (unless I am not feeling well).
    Hope you have a blessed Friday- xo Diana

    1. Good Morning!
      Wishing you a blessed Friday too!
      Just being mindful of a few simple choices in our outlook,
      can make this upcoming Holiday season brighter for ourselves and others.

  4. Oh please, I want to think of White Christmas and all the lovely old films. Not Christmas Vacation.

    My husband loves fruit cake. It's time I make him one. Keep it refrigerated and pour some rum or brandy or whatever, on it, every few days. It is delicious. :-)


    1. Hi Tessa,

      Isn't White Christmas just as wonderful today as it was in 1954, a true vision of loveliness. In fact I am listening to Bing Crosby sing it right now.

      I hope that you will be sharing your traditional Fruit Cake recipe with us during the Christmas season...

      Have a lovely weekend,

  5. Sending a cyber high five your way Jemma...except for the chopping celery part. If I have any to chop can I call you to do it for me ;).

    1. Thank you Doreen,

      I will help you chop celery, you might not know this about me, but I love to chop vegetables!

  6. Good morning Jemma, such a lovely post. We women can age with grace. Love the White Christmas movie, especially the red outfits. I dislike fruitcake...I am sure there is some recipe out there I would love. I have alwys dreamed of a perfect Christmas, but somehow we all have disfunctional families. I love my black dress. Have a lovely weekend. xo

    1. Good Morning Dear Linda,

      We women can age with grace, it is true.

      I believe that you and I both have and had stellar examples of this aging process from our own Mother's
      Gracious kindness, tempered words and thoughtful behaviors are attributes that will continue to help us be graceful women throughout this journey.

  7. Jemma, I hope I'm not 'that aunt' to my nieces and nephews. I try to do the special things like baking each a tin of Christmas cookies, cheering at their sporting events and sending goodie packages to their college dorms. Thanks again for a lovely post. You always make us stop and think about the simple yet important things in life, and to keep things in perspective. Have a wonderful holiday season. Joan-My Cookie Clinic

    1. Joan,

      First off to receive a tin of your Christmas cookies would make anyones Christmas glorious!
      I just know you are the fun and supporting Aunt that the family looks forward to seeing.
      Wishing you a wonderful Holiday Season too and thank you for stopping by.

  8. Good Morning Jemma, All points that are sure to carry us through the holiday with style and grace. I happen to be one that likes fruit cake and I am sure yours is delicious. Beautiful post and so in time for us all with the upcoming holiday. Thank you for sharing and your wisdom sweet friend.
    Have a special weekend. xo

    1. Good Morning Dear Texas Friend,
      Oh, such good news to find another kindred soul in the fruitcake department!
      My Mom's was the best ever.
      Wishing you a lovely weekend and let's hope the sunshine continues!

  9. Boy you really hit a lot of things today - I love all those Christmas Shows. We always watch It;s A Wonderful Life!!!!!! And all the others. I love Christmas and I do love your list - it is true - we really need to enjoy the season. I am going to really try to do that this year.

    1. I have so much goodness to share with you all today! Tips, thoughts, suggestions that will truly make the Holidays richer, kinder, and more enjoyable for everyone.
      Thank you for visiting:)

  10. Jemma, WHITE CHRISTMAS, MY FAVORITE CHRISTMAS MOVIE OF ALL! You have shared some good tips for the holiday season. You know, I don't like to shop with all the crowds much, so I try to go early in the morning when the shops have just opened. It really is more peaceful this way for me. This baby picture is too cute, and I loved what you said about 'embrace the child within you.' It's so special to do this. Look at Audrey, she still looks lovely at this age, and I think it's because she is always smiling. : )

    What a wonderful post this is, Jemma, and I think I will come back and see it don't take it down too quickly hehehe.

    love, ~Sheri

    1. I LOVE that White Christmas is your Favorite movie!! It is mine too, oh how I cherish the good old days!

      You are just like me, I do not do well in crowded areas either, with all of those people, and it just seems to take away from the meaning of what our intent it.

      Yes, Sheri-let us smile well into our 80's and embrace the journey!!

      Wishing you a splendid weekend!

    2. ok, I'm looking at that first picture, and every picture I've seen of White Christmas, the fur is white, and this looks like a yellowish tint, sort of vintage. Where did you find this picture, I love it?


  11. The ten best tips for the holidays I've ever heard! Oh, yes -- you know how to do it! You know how to do it exactly right! If only you could see the smile on my face!

    And White Christmas -- oh, I love it. It's not just one of my favorite Christmas movies but one of the top ten all time! I think I can say the words along with them -- the dialogue, not just the songs! It wouldn't be Christmas without it!

    1. Jeanie,
      It is all about kindness and respect for ourselves and those around us. I think I may feel your smile, right now!

  12. I am an old movie, classic music, board games with the family by the tree kind of Christmas girl. I love your tips, they are timely for me, our holidays are changing. I am trying to go with it...with style! ;)

    1. I know harmony reigns in your home Kim, you have your priorities all in the right places.
      Change, even when it is a good thing, it is a challenge, and I'm just sharing some tips, that I have found which help everyone stay in the right mindset.

  13. A wonderful list to keep in our forethoughts as both Thanksgiving and Christmas are ahead of us. I love our family traditions and always look forward to having the family together.....

    1. Nancy,
      We are on the edge of the Holiday rush aren't we? Such a beautiful time of the year, but sometimes
      emotions run high and it is always good to have a resource or two to draw upon.

  14. Smile. That's my answer whenever makes such a difference in how I feel and how those around me feel. Sometimes it's a fake it till you make it smile but it works.

  15. Ahhh Jemma no better advice could of been shared. White fruitcake, hmmm I'm curious. A girlfriend years ago married late and for her wedding she had Fruitcake she baked over time and it was drowned with booze and everyone seemed to enjoy this English tradition. I say keep traditions alive for they pass on to the next generation who become their caretakers of all the important things in life. They bring a new exciting twist to older traditions which is good because things evolve. Nurturing, caring, sharing and loving graces everyone you meet when you keep wonderment and play alive in your thoughts and heart.

    I've hit my reset button years ago and to remind me every morning after I awake (yup 8 hours unless writing poetry kept me awake) I open my bathroom medicine cabinet and inside on the top shelf resides an adorable 4 inch vintage rubber baby doll - naked and cute as can be - she reminds me everyday to remember and rejoice the child inside. Mental note show a photo of her with a New Years post and poem.
    Life needs to be celebrated and you sweet Jemma post from your heart and will be forever young.

  16. I love this post! Such great advice and so worthy to really do each one during the holidays. I was becoming a real bah humbug about the holidays....never really liked them....but because I am trying to live the small moments of each day and make them matter, I find I am not so dreading them. It is fun to go to the mall during the holidays when it is really crowded. It is fun to hand write each Christmas card or make 10 of the same item to give as gifts! Aging with style through the holidays is not so bad when you lighten up and take each moment. Thanks for the reminder! LOVE that first outfit!!

  17. Wonderful post! It's a great read and reminder!

  18. Audrey is as beautiful in that photo as when she was young ! :)

  19. This is such a wonderful post, Jemma! Sometimes that aging with grace is hard to come by, but all of your recommendations are so true. I don't know if it's my age or my illness, but I feel myself drawn to each and every minute of the day. We attended a Block Party in our neighborhood last evening.....I love getting better acquainted with our neighbors. We had already volunteered to take hamburger & hotdog buns, but I wanted to take something homemade. I mustered up my energy and made banana bread, a loaf to share at the party and one as a "Thank You" to the host family. As I was measuring and mixing, I had such an overwhelming feeling of pure enjoyment. I enjoyed cracking the eggs, mashing the bananas & sifting the flour....I was truly "present," and it felt so good. The saying "take time to smell the roses," is something that we seem to have difficult doing, but it would make us all more thoughtful human beings if we could do that. Just so you know, I took a nap while the bread baked!

  20. Just love this post and it reaffirms wow blessed I feel in having me you! I'm not a fruitcake lover but I've always been fascinated the process and what goes into making's quite a project and a perfect example of love and tradition.

    I believe in classics, from the LBD and a radiant smile. You don't need much more.

  21. This was such a delightful post! Great advice.
    Have a wonderful week!

  22. Awesome tips to remember! Smiling now!

  23. I remember watching the The Crosby family Christmas shows! Great advice and I could use it as I am on the cusp of 50! xo K

  24. Jemma, I love every single point in this post! Such good advice and I hope to take a lot of it! And you know what? It is easier to follow this good advice of yours this time of year than any other.

    Now what you'll have to work on is another post in this vein for my January blues when the holidays are over!

  25. Jemma, I so enjoyed reading these thoughtful and simple reminders of what to expect of Christmas and ourselves during the holidays. We don't have the double holidays of Thanksgiving right before Christmas as you do, but these past years I've missed the relaxing part of Christmas. I'm focusing this year on keeping it simple! I might even bake a fruit cake from my own mom's recipe box ;)


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