Jemma's Tale

Thanksgiving with Family

December 07, 2015
Happy December dear friends!

Goodness, I cannot believe that this month is well on it's way and here we are, moved out 

of our apartment into a lovely Hotel in Rockwall Texas.

We are just days away from totally moving into our new French Style home, where I will

be sharing some Christmas photos of our home on Friday.

I am participating in Christmas In Texas.

When I think of Christmas I think of family, decorating, baking, singing and rejoicing in the

Birth of our sweet Jesus who was born on that starry night in Bethlehem.

So today I am sharing some special photos of our dear family with you. 

family, Jemma's, Tale, Thanksgiving, athomewithjemma

All of these photos are all from our Three event Thanksgiving, beginning in Keller Texas 

with our son and his family.

We began Thanksgiving Day with a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs and cookies.

My son and his wife hosted this gathering and as you can see it was filled with much joy.

P.J's and tiny tots are a winning mix any time of the day.

All of these girls know how to have a great time, as you can tell by their smiles.

We always look forward to spending the middle part of Thanksgiving day with our daughter, 

her family and her husband's family in Aledo Texas.

We have been celebrating Thanksgiving with this sweet family for years and years.

The Coulson's always welcome us with good food, great conversation and good country 


These two cuties are sporting braces and missing teeth!

Our family is my heart, they are the final thoughts in my day, my last prayer at night and

they are all the first thoughts in my mornings.

They are my Happiness.

Our final stop was Thanksgiving dinner with our daughter and her husband's family.

(Father and Daughter and Grandson)

These are the foodies in our clan, and their meal was over the top goodness, including

homemade, handmade ravioli!

Donna ( Ryan's) Mom has handed down her traditional Italian recipes, and they are the 

highlight of the meal.


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  1. Dear Jemma,
    You have a wonderful family. It's very nice to spend the holidays with your loved ones.
    I look forward to the photos of your new house. Have a nice and good time.
    Lots of love

    1. Dorothea,
      We love our families don't we Dorothea! Thank you for your sweet visit and enjoy your trip to the U.S. to visit your daughter and her family!
      Much Love,

  2. I was hoping you'd be in your new home by now. I bet you're just chomping at the bit! I sure would be.

    1. I was hoping I would be in our home by now too, Brenda. We have our apartment furniture and boxes in the garage of our home and we are in a Hotel. We should be moving in Thursday-I have actually been doing a little decorating outside! I am one of those crazy Texas gals!

  3. Hi Jemma! What a beautiful family you have! I agree with your sentiments - our families are everything! I'm so excited for you and your new home. What a Christmas present.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Shelia,
      Families, the core of our lives, the community and our world.
      It will be nice to have our "treasures," around us once again.

  4. Hello sweet Jemma! I am so looking forward to seeing your new home! I know you are so ready to get settled after all these months! Beautiful photos of you and your family! Hugs to you sweet friend!

    1. Benita,
      I will be SO thankful to be settled in. We have managed, but truly enough is enough and we are ready to have a home once again.

  5. What a wonderful family -- I see so much love in these photos! You can just tell by the smiles and the happy! And congratulations on moving into the house soon! Oh, perfect timing! Fa la la! Life IS good!

  6. Hello Jemma, you have a beautiful family. And wow, congrats on moving into your new home. I am glad it is ready for Christmas. I can not wait to see some photos of your new home. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

    1. Eileen,
      Thank you for your kind words and well wishes too.

  7. Jemma, you have a beautiful family. You must be so excited to be getting into your new home for Christmas...can't wait to see pictures
    Have a great week.

    1. Marigne,
      Thank you, they are quiet the crew and I would be lost without them all!

  8. Looks like fun times with your family! Can't wait to see pictures of your new home!

    1. Michelle,
      It is going to be wonderful to have a home again.

  9. Oh Jemma - WHAT A BEAUTIFUL FAMILY YOU HAVE - what a great idea going to three!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Such a beautiful family Jemma! I love looking at your family photos, so much joy, love and happiness.....hope all is well, looking forward to hear that you are finally in your new home!!!!

  11. Jemma, your family is wonderful, and I can't believe you spend Thanksgiving at three different places. Yes, family is precious, and I'm so thankful for the time we spend together. I love that picture of you in Pink, you look lovely. I can't wait to see pics of your new home. Will be sure to stop by on Friday. :)

    love, ~Sheri

    1. I can't believe we spent our Thanksgiving in three different places either, but you know, it was delightful!

  12. Whew! I'm tired (and full) just thinking about your day Jemma, but it's really a great idea and a good way to see everyone. It's fortunate everyone lives within driving distance so you're not spending all day driving.

    (I never received this post in my inbox, but I did receive today's post. I was beginning to wonder because I know you post at least two-three times a week.)

  13. Such a wonderful, beautiful family! Boy, you drove a lot of miles in that one day but I know it was worth it. Family is so important and I am so sad that mine is so fractured. It's the last thing that should happen after such a huge loss but I feel like God is the only answer and He will hopefully "fix" it soon.

    Your children and the grands are beautiful and I know you're immensely proud of them. Thanks for sharing your family with us.



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