Jemma's Tale

Southwest Simplicity

October 27, 2017
Welcome Friends to my revised, updated and easy to navigate blog, I am super excited that you have joined me today and if you were here with me you'd hear me squeal!

Please take time to peek at the categories and I made a little welcoming video too.

At Home With Jemma is southwest Simplicity made from my heart and home, I am embracing all things handmade and home cooked.

My little craft shop is a reflection of myself and the creative mindset of both of my Parents.

They have given me the gift of artistic expression.

Everything in the shop is hand painted, glitterfied, blingified and made by me.

(I am having fun)

In a world where products are mass produced it feels good to me to make something just for you.

Here on our front porch you will find a comfy chair, southwest congeniality and a genuine simplicity that comes from my heart to your home.

Take off your boots or shoes and stay awhile.

You will still find the same Jemma here, the one in her craft room, kitchen and garden talking to herself and jotting down notes and ideas that she really wants to share with you.

I am a family loving woman who struggles, tumbles and stumbles. I have had my share of broken hearts, hurt feelings, disappointments, skinned knees, hair dyed from brown to blonde, cut short, grown longish and I cry when my children hurt, my grandbabies are sick, or my husband is sad.

Some days I wake up and tell myself I am going to loose ten pounds, and then I eat a bag of M&M's.

We can be a hot mess around here, but we pull it together, put on our best dress, polish up our shoes, curl our hair, add the pink lipstick and smile.

I think I tried to be a version of what I thought perfect looked like in my younger years. I was always dodging the bullet of failure, and I fell off the tightrope of pleasing and critiquing myself so many times that I got tired of the bruises.

So, now it's just me in my imperfect and aging body that you are going to get, but it's real.

I have a dilemma going on in my life right now and it's my hair.

It has officially gone white-not gray.

White! How does this happen, one night you go to bed blonde and the next morning it is white!

Just look at it in this picture. I may be a Grammy, but even Grammy's like to have color on their hair. No more golden highlights for me...champagne blonde is what we are calling it now.

So you see friends, life has a way of forcing us to accept who we are, what we are and how we are.

So here I am sharing my life with you, in all of it's natural glory and working on embracing it.

I am a work in progress, but I am not giving up my glitter for humdrum.

I'll do my best to edit the photos, but I can't edit out my white-champagne hair.

On a happier note, I grew these two pumpkins and in all honesty they are this color. I put together this little vignette on our front porch. (Can it be called a vignette when it's on porch?) and burlap.

Now let me say this burlap is my type of cool and where I grew up it was cool long before some decorator decided it was. It is what we put the potatoes in during harvest-potato sacks. So for me burlap and Fall go together like salt in your soup.

During my restless young years growing up I'd sometimes ask my Mama what could we do today? She would always tell me this.

"Oh you never know what good things might happen, that phone could ring at any time."

It's true friends, always remember when your mind is aggravating you and your time seems unfulfilled you never know what good thing might happen to you when you least expect it!

That doorbell or phone could ring!

I'll be having a little giveaway soon to welcome you to my pretty new blog.

Thank you to the lovely Lady behind the scenes of my blog, Henderson, you can reach her here.

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  1. Good Morning Jemma,
    What a neat surprise to see your new blog. Love it and I bet you're having fun using WP, I've never regretted moving my site and hope your experience is just as positive. Great post and look forward to more.

  2. Oh, what a beautiful place! And you have to be one of the sweetest bloggers I know!! Henderson did a wonderful job, and I just had a ball visiting here with you this morning. You have a lovely family, and you just seem like the type of person I would love to sit down and have a cup of coffee with. So thankful to chat with you this morning, sweet friend! Thanks for being real and so welcoming!!

  3. Jemma I just love you. You are the sweetest blogger out here. You are so real and fun. I wish we were neighbors and closer to hang out!!!!! LOL I have been right there with you. I cry when my kids hurt and I eat a bag of M&M's when I am saying I am dieting!!!! Life can be fun if we let it and sometimes M&M's are the answer to most problems lol! Happy Friday. Have a great weekend.

  4. Loving it loads and loads, Jemma! Beautiful design and yes, easy to navigate! So, a question -- do we need to resubscribe or if we are already subscribed to will the new blog revert to that url? I see it does here on my bar at the top but didn't know if that was a forever thing!

    Love the wonderful description and your beautiful take on like -- honest and real. And the hair looks GREAT!

  5. Your new blog is beautiful, Jemma! I love the way you share your heart and home with others. I'm proud of you for embracing change!

  6. Good Afternoon Kris!
    Thanks so much for sharing your time and heart with me!
    Love and Hugs,

  7. Good Afternoon Dear Cheryl,
    Thank you for being you and sharing your heart with us too!
    Happy Friday with love,

  8. Good Afternoon Friend!
    You are a sweetie and you share your heart too!

  9. Thanks so much Carole, updates and change are good!

  10. Loving your blog girlfriend. And you my friend....BEAUTIFUL! I love your trnasparency. Oh life can be a box of chocolates can't it? Never know what we may find. But I do love your mama's sweet quote! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  11. Thank you Sweet Cindy! Oh yes, our friend Forest Gump and his Mama knew that one for sure!
    Have a blessed and beautiful weekend,

  12. Sweet Jemma, I will follow you, no matter what platform, no matter what color hair, or how old you may age to be. You new blog is clean and easy to read. Have a great weekend!

  13. I love your new design! It truly suits you. Congratulations 🎊

  14. It's beautiful Jemma, as are you! Love the logo and font, and I'm so glad you were happy with Henderson (but who wouldn't be?).

    And I don't know what you're talking about!? Your hair is blonde!


  15. Kudos on your new look. It certainly reflects your Southwest simplicity. Have fun with it my sweet friend. xo

  16. Your "new" blog is a delight! Truly a feast for the eyes. Of course, that would have a lot to do with it's artistic author. ;)

  17. It looks great Jemma! Love the dream catcher with the feathers. I think your hair is gorgeous, just like you!

  18. Your blog is looking wonderful. So glad you're back! I'm headed over to check out what's new in your pretty shop.

  19. Your new blog look is great and I love your hair. How nice to have it done in a wink. I let the blond grow off my hair and it is so dark I don't recognize myself. My husband wants it highlighted again! What to do is my dilemma.


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