Jemma's Tale

Published Author In Rural Magazine

June 04, 2018
Good Morning Dear Friends and welcome to my world of imagining. This little spot is where I enjoy sharing the joy of creating with you! Wouldn't you agree that creating comes in all types of styles, techniques, passions and venues? Creating is one of the ultimate forms of self expression and more times than not, imagination is the catalyst for the very best of creations. So get ready to imagine, dream, create and go!


Imagination is such a precious gift which must be nurtured and tended to just like this hydrangea and tomatoes from my gardens. The more I imagine and dream the more things I create.

You might just remember this quote from one of my favorite people.

"You can't use up creativity. The more you use the more you have." Maya Angelou

I have also discovered that by stepping back from myself for moments throughout the day and breathing deeply, gives me time to imagine and dream while replenishing my soul. This is when I feel all of that gurgling imagination rise to the top of my same old boring thoughts and ignite a new way of thinking. I invite you to do the same, in this hurry, scurry world it's a good thing to do.

So here is some fun news to share with you. A few months back, Jen from Rural magazine reached out to me about the possibility of being a contributor for the Spring Issues of Rural. Well my heart truly skipped a beat! Rural is a perfect fit for my style of writing and viewpoints on life.

Oh and with the theme for the Spring issue being replenish.... I had just the article in mind.

( I hope you'll read it and the other amazing articles too.)

Speaking of replenish, it's Spring Friends! I can see you smiling...Our gardens, our beings have all sprung to life!

This is the time of the year where I begin to search for crafty and creative ways to use flowers in my projects. I thought you might enjoy seeing a few of the things that I have created and maybe you'd like to give some of these easy projects a whirl too. Of course if you don't grow flowers just hop on over to your local market and snap some up!

Did you know that adding flowers to cakes is a gloriously delightful way to make them so special or even cover up a frosting mistake!(shhhh…our secret.) Here is the link to other cakes that I have decorated with flowers and also an edible flower guide. Yes! You can eat flowers!

Flower arranging is fun and relaxing. For this project I used my homegrown zinnias and jalapenos picked fresh from the garden.

When I get my flower farm and craft barn I am going to have an event called Bring Your Own Jar Day. Bring your own jar to the farm, pick fresh flowers and then there will be a class on how to modpodge and paint a jar.

Fresh picked floral wreaths? Yes....No?...what do you think?

I guess I am what you would call a mini flower farmer in training.

Just waiting for this dream to soar!

Tell me what are your dreams and how do you replenish your soul??

I hope you will join me for these upcoming posts that will arrive in you inbox on Thursday and Sunday of this week.

  1. Pasta Salad with black beans and avocados.
  2. Ten On The Tenth.

Thank you for joining me today, I appreciate each one of you!

As Always,

May all your dreams come true,


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  1. Jemma you are a very sweet creative "mini flower farmer" for sure. Your flowers and creative soul are always amazing to witness. I love the inspiration you share with us. I am so happy Rural magazine spotted your talent and invited you to share with so many. Congrats sweet friend. There is nothing more pretty than a home made cake with fresh edible flowers adorning it. Happy New Week. Enjoy every moment.

  2. Look at you being a contributor for the Spring Issues of Rural. Gongratulations Jemma. Oh I adore that cake. Yes, fresh flowers have a way of making everything beautiful don't they? Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. I'll be first in line to sign up for your classes! Your flower farm is looking quite beautiful over there!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS on your magazine article!! I can't wait to click over and read it. All of your beautiful photos are just so pleasant to look at. You always refresh my spirit when I come here, sweet friend. God bless you!

  5. That cake is decorated so nicely and looks YUMMY!! Your Zinnias are striking, and look so pretty in the Paris jar. That's great news that you got to be in the Spring issues of Rural Magazine. I think the "replenish" theme is wonderful and good for us all. Thanks, Jemma, for all your creative ideas. : )

    It's Summertime here and getting warmer every day, Yikes!

    love, ~Sheri

  6. I’m excited for you & your magazine debut! And of course flowers are some of my favorite things! 😊

  7. You can never have to many flowers around! And I love that floral wreath - so that's a big fat YES for me!

  8. Oh how exciting! Congratulations on your magazine feature. Looking forward to reading it. Love your mini flower like your dream will grow with each step you take. All your photos look gorgeous. Happy almost summer!

  9. Good morning dearest Jemma!

    I am so tickled for you that you have been asked to be a contributor to this magazine, which is PERFECT for you ! You have the experience and knowledge to be a fantastic contributor because you live the life. How marvelous that all your hard work and passions can be expressed in such a way.

    My dream is to contribute as such, but I don't fit into any of the trends out there; I have a poetic bent to my work and though I am a dreamer, I want and need to one day realize these dreams into what I hope can be an inspirational book. I do believe however, that we both (and a few out there who visit you) possess the tenacity to keep going through the trials and errors, successes and attempts to eventually pump out something that is satisfying to us and to others.

    Your color choices here are happy and wonderful, and that pink hydrangea is GORGEOUS!

  10. Loads of fun ideas but the best news of this post is your contribution to Rural! Three cheers!

    Dreams. You know, I never thought I'd say this but right now I'm so busy and happy I haven't thought of any new dreams. Plans, yes, and coming along. Now you have me thinking!

  11. Congratulations, Jemma on being selected to be a contributor for Rural. You are an excellent writer and are extremely creative. Your heart and soul shine in everything you do and say.
    Love the zinnia wreath! Love all your pics today!

  12. Flowers are wonderful no matter where you put them...of course, cake would be my first choice! Can't wait to check out the magazine. I have several friends being published there this season. How wonderful!

  13. Congrats dear Jemma on being the newest contributor for Rural magazine. Well deserved my sweet friend. The wreath is so pretty. Love your creativity. Dream on. xo

  14. […] with a metal tiered tray, a variety of stars, jars, lanterns, flags and oodles of flowers from my garden, then I tossed in patriotic koozies and pop-its as take home party favors. I used the party favors […]


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