Jemma's Tale

Reflections of Easter 2021 and Gratitude

April 18, 2021

The old saying that April Showers bring May Flowers is certainly true and perhaps even more so here in the South. Fortunately for us Easter weekend was positively charming; storm clouds moved out and we were treated to delightful sunshine. Our weekend was filled with plenty of egg-dying using a variety of mediums(including cool whip.)There were also many levels of squeals of delight and naturally the Easter Bunny hopped down the bunny trail with baskets-a-plenty followed by Church service that did all of our hearts good.

Reflections of Easter 2021 and Gratitude
Reflections of Easter 2021

My time here in Florida is drawing to an end. I will forever cherish the precious moments that I have had with our youngest daughter and her family. The joy of watching a grandchild bloom is priceless.  Those sweet snuggles, cuddles and tiny tot giggles are a certain cure for the doldrums.  My daughter loving refers to me as their au pair, although technically I am not.  I did not travel from overseas and I am definitely not young, except at heart and in spirit and I am truly embracing both of these blessings with zest and zeal.

Reflections of Easter 2021 and Gratitude
Cool Whip Dyed Easter Eggs

My husband moved to Mississippi in January to oversee the building of our new Farmhouse style home and I moved in with the Kiss family to assist them while our daughter began her studies to become a Registered Nurse. 

Reflections of Easter 2021 and Gratitude
Rit Dye Easter Eggs

Molly just turned eight.

Reflections of Easter 2021 and Gratitude

Kennedy is four.
Reflections of Easter 2021 and Gratitude

Easton turned 2 in January.

Reflections of Easter 2021 and Gratitude

So today I am truly, truly sharing gratitude and grands!
Who could resist this....and I have been on the receiving end of sweet whispers, gooey fingers and lots of hugs.

Reflections of Easter 2021 and Gratitude

I really wanted a yellow and blue Easter Dress but when you wait until the day before Easter to purchase one, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit!

Reflections of Easter 2021 and Gratitude

However, I really love it-it's a wrap-so flattering and the flutter sleeves are very complimentary as well.  I picked this up at Dillard's.

Reflections of Easter 2021 and Gratitude

We wore Easton out dying Easter eggs ( We dyed 4 dozen) so I loaded him up in my Yukon to nap. He loves to nap in his car seat in my vehicle. Tiny Tots secretly know a Mimi/Grammy vehicle. He and I listen to all of the Oldies...guess that is why he slumbers so well!

Reflections of Easter 2021 and Gratitude

Rebecca and her girls stayed at the house and finished up these fantastic eggs.
Aren't they just so beautiful...

Reflections of Easter 2021 and Gratitude

Rebecca and her husband Major Brandon Kiss. An Officer in the AirForce and stationed at Tyndall Airforce Base here in Panama City, Florida.

Reflections of Easter 2021 and Gratitude
My sweet husband drove down from Jackson Mississippi to celebrate Easter with us and also to be present for Rebecca's Baptism at Hiland Baptist Church. 
All of the grandchildren loving refer to him as Gramps.

Reflections of Easter 2021 and Gratitude

New beginnings await us all. You, me and the world. Living with gratitude is a key ingredient for managing through the less than perfect days that we all have.

Thank you for joining me today for Gratitude and Grands.😃

With Love and Gratitude,


Bringing Back a really easy, great and light dessert for April time joy.

Strawberry Poke Cate
Fresh Strawberry Poke Cake

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  1. So sweet and precious all your pics and how wonderful you got this time with your family in Florida. You are on a new adventure in life and I know it is going to be amazing. I think you move more than I do girl!!!! We are both on our way to a new place, and new life adventures. Have a good and safe move to Mississippi. xoxo Kris

    1. Thank you so much Kris! Yes, we are both movers aren't we! LOL! I promise this is it!

  2. Such fun times, dear Jemma. I think the orange dress suits you, and I read one time
    that Orange was the happiest color. The Easter eggs are delightful, and beautiful photos
    of you and the grandkids. I'm glad you enjoyed your time in Florida, and new adventures
    await you in your new area. Such a lovely post today, Jemma. Have a wonderful week.


    1. Thank you dear Sheri. My time is Florida was precious and the good news is that we are just a 6 hour drive away!

  3. Such a charming and endearing post. I learned some new ways to dye Easter eggs. Looks like lots of fun and they enjoyed it I can tell.
    How fun it has been for you living at the beach but new adventures await and you are not far away. I wish our trip to see grands were in Mississippi.
    Your family photos are so pretty. You look great. It was a little cool that day. How nice your husband could be there for Rebecca's baptism.

    1. Hi Bonnie,
      It was a fun Easter and I'll sure treasure my time with them for always. Yes, I am going to be happy that we are a short 6 hours from Florida and Dallas!

  4. It sounds lovely, Gemma. Nothing like littles to make your day glorious!

  5. Awe, your grands are adorable dear Jemma. I know you are enjoying your time with your sweet family. And look how adorable you are in your dress. I love the colors. I hope your week is already off to a fabulous start dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Thank you sweet friend. Making the most of change and embracing the life I have been given!

  6. Good morning dearest Jemma! It was so good to read what you've been up to and see your beautiful smile. I agree my friend, that gratitude is the way to get through the day. The world seems to be caving in on various levels and sometimes it just seems that society is spinning out of control. But, we give thanks to that which is unseen, to that which has more life than what meets the eye. May your farmhouse construction go well and all of you be healthy and happy! Much love to you Jemma!

    1. Yes darling Anita, giving thanks for what we have and staying focused on living with joy and gratitude! Thank you sweet one!

  7. Jemma, I was so happy to see your post in my inbox. Your positive attitude is so infectious, a good virus to catch! Your baby grands are going to miss you so much. I hope your next chapter is a smooth transition, and that you can readily stay close to your family tree branch in FL. Best wishes!

    1. Rita,
      You are such a dear and and great supporter too! I appreciate you!


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