Jemma's Tale

Fall Family Photos and Styling Tips

September 07, 2021

I hope that you all had an enjoyable Labor Day and that you are experiencing some Fall Weather. We are still pretty warm here, so when Rebecca sent me these Fall photos I got all the Fall feels! YAY! Thought I'd share them with you and some Family Fall Photo Styling tips too.  I know I am a little partial to this particular photo shoot because these photos include three of my grands! Oh well a grandmother is allowed to be partial, right... Just look at this pick-up truck brimming with family Fall goodness, décor and sweet joy.


My youngest daughter, Becka Kiss Photography, is a professional photographer in Panama City Florida. She consistently photographs the most beautiful photos and is seriously booked all year long. So, I'll just mention that you if you are visiting 30A or PCB look her up!


Great Tips For Styling Your Own Fall Photo Shoot

  • Have fun shooting your family photos.
  • Capture the right expression.
  • Lighting can make or break a photo.
  • Choose the right time of day-usually about an hour before dusk.
  • Avoid shooting on an overcast day.
  • Let kids be kids.

Give me a pick up truck, grandchildren, galvanized tubs and Fall décor and I am in Fall Heaven!
Thinking you all might gather some inspiration as well so you can style your own Fall Photo Session and take photos of you family too.

Kisses from oldest sister.


Snuggles from next sister. 

Clothing Suggestions and Appearances 

  • Choose clothing within the same color palette ( Rebecca chose to dress her children in gold, dark green, navy, orange-all jewel tones.)
  • Style the hair the same as always.
  • No fresh haircuts!


Fall Accessories For Truck Bed

With just a few mindful accessory selections you can make your own photo shoot pop without breaking the bank.
I am including Walmart links for Fall accessories, simply because I really think they have some sharp seasonal and home décor
The prices are great!
I just ordered most of these items myself. 
Supplies run out fast and I don't want to be caught without cozy colorful blankets, pillows and plenty of fall garland to decorate our home. 

Once the photo shoot is over you have all of these fall accessories to decorate your home! 
Win! Win!

From Herbie and the gang happy Fall Ya'll!

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  1. They are adorable, Jemma. You must miss them. These are great pix!


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