Jemma's Tale

Wishing You a Beautiful Weekend

October 09, 2021


Jemma's -Tales-Wellbeing-Ann-Landers-Fall-Activities

While I was on a recent morning walk Ann Landers (Esther Pauline Lederer) came to mind, probably some random question on some topic. In fact I don't even remember what it was I was wondering about as I write this.

I retrieved my phone out of my fanny pack and pulled up an interview with her on You Tube.

Seeing Ann and her signature hair style made me smile as did hearing Ann’s unmistakable voice; a little raspy and filled with confidence.

You see Ann, also referred to as America's Mom was a staple in our house or rather her advice column was.

Ann was a staple in many households all across America as she advised thousands and thousands of families just like ours. 

I honestly don't believe there was a topic that was off limits with Ann. 

She truly was a bit of a national institution and cultural icon.

Even if you did not agree with her advice you couldn't help but find her interesting.

Ann went from syndication in 25 newspapers to a readership of 90 million.

On one occasion after speaking to students at Yale she was asked this question.

“Why are people so drawn to you?”

She replied; “I am REAL. I was also taught by my parents to be able to laugh at life, not joke about it-but laugh through those challenging times.”

May we all remember to be real and laugh just a bit more.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend friends.🍁


Today on Jemma's Tales - Wellbeing

As I was going through the Archives of my handmade wreaths I was reminded of how pretty burlap is for Fall.

So, I thought that this is a great time to share this Fall wreath with you.
I made this wreath quite awhile ago and I  had pretty much forgotten about how much I enjoy working with burlap and how rich and sort of frothy the fabric really is.
I have included the link to this Thanksgiving Burlap Wreath tutorial so you can gather up your supplies and have it all made and hung in your homes just in time for Thanksgiving. 🦃


Oh the joy of Fall and a recipe for Fresh Apple Cake!🍏
The weather is cooling, the nights are becoming longer, fragrant candles are burning and our Harvest Tree is glowing!
These are all just a few of my favorite Fall happenings.
I am sure you have a list as well.
I just want to hunker down by the glowing fire with my favorite cozy blanket and a little treat.


 I am sharing an online book gathering kickoff for the youngsters in your life.

When we were living in Florida, I had the pleasure of meeting many of Rebecca’s friends.

Mandy was one of them.

She and I chatted frequently at T-ball and I came to be very fond of her and her two sweet children.

Mandy is hosting a book gathering on Monday through Thursday and you are invited!


I have always been an avid reader and loved reading to my children and now my grands.

With Christmas just around the corner I thought this might be of interest to you as well.

They have so many different books for all ages – board books, beginner readers, chapter books and activity books.

Books are also lovely for donations to your favorite community Christmas Drive.

Thank you for joining me today!

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  1. That apple cake looks amazing, Jemma. I love pecans, and just had a pecan pie recently, and it was so Yummy. And that Fall wreath is so sweet with the pink roses.
    Speaking of laughing in life, it reminded me of the other day when I drove through
    the drive-through to get a hot pastrami sandwich, which are really the best hot
    pastrami sandwiches I've ever had, and as I was sitting there in my car, the lady
    at the window waved the sandwich towards my car so I would know the order was
    ready. I rolled down my window laughing and told her, "sorry, I have a lot on my mind,"
    and she laughed along with me saying, "it's ok, it happens all the time." And we both
    started laughing some more haha. Those Christmas children's books are precious,
    and I've always love reading to my children as well. They would be wonderful gifts.

    Have a peaceful and restful weekend, dear Jemma.


    1. Hello Sheri,
      I love your pastrami sandwich story, it made me chuckle:) You know, this is exactly what this life is all about isn't it. Connecting, sharing and along this incredible journey discovering something to smile about. I haven't had a Pastrami sandwich in ages... I think it is time I had one!
      Wishing you a really sweet weekend, my friend.

  2. Great advice from Ann Landers. No matter what life throws at us we must find some time to laugh and smile in our lives. The cake looks so yummy. Happy Weekend. xoxo Kris

    1. Kris,
      You know Ann Landers was such a favorite of my Mom's. I can remember her reading her column out loud to me and then Mom adding in her own opinion!
      Yes, it is true isn't the end of the day laughter is truly the best medicine!
      Thanks much my friend.

  3. Lovely post! I feel like we’ve had a nice visit! Perhaps with coffee & apple cake! ❤️ I hadn’t thought of Dear Abby in a long time! Thanks for jogging my memory.

    1. It must be time for another phone chat! It had been ages since I thought of her too.
      Kinda miss these gals from that era...remember Erma Bombeck.
      Let's chat soon!

  4. Girl, that dang cake looks amazing!!!! Your wreath is too cute and Oh do I ever love the advice of Ann! Happy week to you dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Greetings Friend!
      It is a very nice cake and did you know I took the calories out??? LOL!
      Thanks so much for your sweet visit, you made my day!


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