Jemma's Tale

Blog Hiatus: It's Been Three Months

November 09, 2022

Hello World!

Welcome to my creative heartfelt haven on the internet. I am really pleased that you have stopped by and I hope that you find this creative niche a haven for yourself too.

Well, I truly never intended to go on a blog hiatus. Seems like just a moment ago we were chatting about the health benefits of  Okra  and in a blink of an eye 3 months went by. 

Today I am sharing photos of family and friend time that I have immersed myself in these past three months. Gosh I have loved it so much. I suppose this is a little re-introduction of who I am. Of what resonates with me and how God, family, friends and nature are the catalyst for my creative passions.

These relationships recharge my battery, while nature reminds me that I am not in control. I am blessed to be a peaceful visitor among the majestic landscape of our precious planet.



Effervescent Bubbling Brew

You see, when I first began writing At Home With Jemma I felt like an effervescent bubbling brew was churning within me. So many thoughts, tons of creativity were just bursting and brimming in my noggin.

So much information and content which I just had to share! Goodness I was SO excited to share every single bit of it with YOU!


Life Changes...But Wait!

Times change, life changes, the roads traveled become steeper than anticipated and all of that effervescent energy sort of looses it's translucent bubbly carbonation.

But wait...the carbonation is not's on hiatus!


Greyhound Bus

Who knew that life is a constant sea of change, learning, and adapting.

Often times we are unexpectedly lulled into the feeling that we have finally arrived to a peaceful destination.

Perhaps we feel like passengers on a lumbering greyhound bus that is easing it's way into the bus station. As we anticipate our arrival and anxiously wait to hear the words:

"YOU have Arrived!"

Excitedly we all hop off, looking here, then there, at our destination to only discover that strangely enough the seas of life have not stopped.


This beautiful Web of Life


There are always, always lessons to be learned, personal growth to be achieved, uncomfortable chapters to read at every age and every stage of life.

Yet on any given day there is always something to be thankful for. 

The journey is stressful the joy of thankfulness is empowering.

 However in this beautiful web of life there is always love. 

There is always a new chapter to read and stories to be told, there are moments to be savored and when they arrive I love to tuck them into my trouser pocket.


What to expect At Jemma's

Seems that my personal well of creativity, which seemed to have dried up just three months, ago has been primed once more!

I am truly thankful and very pleased to be sharing fresh DIY and crafting ideas, thoughtful and fun creative articles, plus yummy recipes to warm everyone's tummy's.

Dave and I will have a winter landscape, plus a freshened up home to share with you during the months of January and February.

My hope is that this creative goodness, combined with an appreciation of the out of doors and a very  thankful heart will inspire us both.  


November Happenings


I am feeling so blessed to be inspired by these creative souls during these upcoming Christmas Blog Hops.

Please join myself and 20 + creative Makers  as we share some fun DIY Christmas projects during the end of this month.

November 16th-Creative Ways to Gift Wrap

November 23- DIY Christmas Ornaments.

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Thank you for stopping by!



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  1. Such beautiful words, Jemma. Cute family smiles all around. I am planning a trip to see the little ones soon, and that always brings a warm happiness to me. Your nature photos are lovely, and they spoke to me most of all, as that is the one thing that never changes, and always remains simple, beautiful, and good. : )

    I hope you have wonderful November days, dear Jemma.


    1. Hello Dear Sheri, Thank you so much. Yes, being around our children and grandchildren is truly chicken soup for the soul. We are both blessed. Thank you for the kindest of wishes.


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